Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Top Ten Book Endings That Left Me With My Mouth Hanging Open

Memento Nora
The ending reminded of what happens in some scary movies. Sometimes they end with the main characters escaping, and sometimes they add a short 5-second clip that has you thinking that things didn't turn out so good.  
Everything happened so fast at the end. I was jumping up and down because I was so excited. Until I finished the last page and remembered that I'd have to wait till next year to know what happens next. 
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
It wasn't a cliffhanger, but out of all the endings I could have imagined in my head, I wouldn't have thought up this one in a million years 
The Daughter of Smoke and Bone
I think this is the only book where my jaw really did drop. Everything was exciting and amazing, and then the author threw a curve ball. 
Shadow Kiss
I couldn't believe what happened to him! 
Catching Fire 
The last line. One of the best cliffhangers ever!   
I was so in to this book. During the week I read it I wasn't paying attention to school or TV shows or friends (etc.). I just wanted to finish it. The whole story built up what was going to happen at the end, and when it finally happened the book ended before letting you know what happened to the characters 
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
I was so scared about reading this. I had just gotten a copy when I accidentally read a spoiler online that a main character would die. And below it in bold letters said Hermione Granger. I was devastated! First that she would die and second that someone told me before I could read it myself. Needless to say the jerk that fake spoiled it was wrong, she didn't die, but someone else (who was very loved did). 
The Giver
 It just left off in a make-of-it-what-you-will type way 
Radiant Shadows
This like A Hundred Thousand kingdoms ended in a way I would have never thought of.

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